


We require 48-hour cancellation for all appointments. If there is an emergency, and we can rebook you, we will forgo the cancellation fee, otherwise you will be charged the full rate for appointment. For insurance patients who cancel less than 48-hours, full rate of appointment will be charged because insurance cannot be billed for a missed appointment. We appreciate your understanding!


Please arrive on time so we are able to accommodate all of our patients. If you are more than 15-mins late, you may have to reschedule. Please arrive no sooner than 15-mins before your appointment to limit the number of visitors in our waiting area.

Stay home if you are sick

To protect everyone, please stay home if you have symptoms of covid. To view our full covid policy click here. Note that policies are subject to change as the climate for covid changes.

Sick? Book a virtual herb consult and we will get you herbs delivered to your door