


“Treat the Person not the Disease”

Acupuncture and Eastern medicine have been practiced for over thousands of years and is part of primary care in many Asian countries. Since the medicine does not separate parts of the body, an acupuncturist can treat many symptoms, conditions and diseases at one time.

Tiny needles are placed on specific areas of the body to trigger the body’s innate healing response. This therapy is used for many different conditions and diseases, as well as in preventative medicine. When done regularly clients report feel calmer, sleeping deeper, digesting better, creating a more positive relationship with stress, reporting less flares in symptoms as well as many other benefits.

Afterwards you may feel sleepy and more relaxed. Usually people will notice minor changes at first, less stressed, better digestion, sleeping easier, more energy, and an overall feeling of good health. More chronic issues may take longer as symptoms subtly shift. Acupuncture is a therapy and the goal is continue to work towards a better quality of life for the patient.

How it works

Acupuncture triggers the body’s innate ability to reach homeostasis. By placing tiny needles on specific points, it stimulates certain chemicals in the body that create physiological changes and promote healing. It works well as preventative medicine through strengthening the immune system, supporting emotional well-being and useful in managing chronic illness.

In chronic illness conditions and illness, our acupuncturists work to integrate with other medical systems to provide the best quality of life for the client. By using objective diagnosis through examination of tongue, pulse and palpation acupuncturists can catch symptoms early and often minimize the unpleasant effects of dealing with chronic illness. Suggestions of diet and lifestyle changes to ensure a holistic empowered approach to their treatment.


kiiko matsumoto

What acupuncture can do

Acupuncture has been shown to calm the nervous system by releasing chemicals in the brain that help promote a sense of calm. Consistent acupuncture treatments release dopamine, a hormone known as the “happiness hormone”.

Acupuncture can get the person out of a constant sympathetic dominant state known as “fight, flight, freeze”. It has been shown to help stop pain by both improving circulation and blood flow, as well as stopping the pain response in the brain. Acupuncture has been shown to release natural painkillers such as endorphins, norepinephrine, and enkephalin.


Our acupuncturists are trained in Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture, a Japanese style of acupuncture that uses body palpation to discover a person’s root constitution. Through objective diagnosis the practitioner can get instant feedback on the most effective treatment. When determining root cause of symptoms, clients see more lasting results.