Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
Bitter & Balance offers acupuncture, herbs and cohesive holistic healthcare in the heart of Manhattan
Bitter & Balance offers acupuncture, herbs and cohesive holistic healthcare in the heart of Manhattan
Acupuncture and holistic medicine works with the whole body, creating a cohesive picture. A person with chronic illness often has multiple symptoms.
Acupuncture gets to the root of how to live a better quality of life and what that looks like for each individual.
Consistent acupuncture treatments have been shown to release endorphins and dopamine creating a better relationship to stress.
Acupuncture helps regulate the autonomic nervous system
Treats pain by stopping the pain response in the brain, improves circulation and treats inflammation.
Used for both chronic and acute pain
Acupuncture, diet consultation, herbs and changes to a person’s relationship to stress work together to help with digestive disorders. Improves the body’s ability to absorb food and digest better.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine doesn’t separate the brain from the body seeing the whole body working together as one cohesive system. Through treatment acupuncturist get to the root cause of mental health related issues working with psychotherapist and psychiatrist where necessary.
Supports women’s healthcare from through all stages of life. Including everything from premenstrual symptoms to all phases of pregnancy, fertility, menopause and more.
Pre and post-operative care for gender affirming surgeries. Scar-treatment for post operation. Fertility support for all genders including IVF and IUI.
Supporting a healthy liver supports a healthy life. From detox to chronic disease acupuncture helps support the person.
Acupuncture, herbs and diet work together to support chronic respiratory and skin issues. Chinese medicine sees the body as a whole system and people with allergies often have it show up in the lungs, skin and digestion.
Tiny needles placed at specific points on the body to trigger a person’s innate healing responses.
Modalities that help with circulation, pain and inflammation, strengthen immune system and release heat.
Herbs work with a person’s constitution to treat both chronic conditions and illness. As well as acute ailments, such as viruses, colds, flus and more.
Acupuncturists are trained to support each person’s unique nutritional needs. Using food, herbs and seasonal eating. Nutrition is one of the branches of Chinese medicine.
The herb ai ye or mugwort, burnt indirectly to help with the immune system, circulation, fertility, cysts, fibroids, digestion and other issues, chronic and acute.
Feel free to contact us at Bitter & Balance, we offer 15-minute complementary phone consults to answer any questions you may have about our practice and what treatment would look like for a specific condition.
In the heart of Midtown Manhattan near NOMAD, Chelsea and Flatiron District.
1123 Broadway, Suite 418 NY, NY 10010
Tuesday-Thursday 12-830
Friday 10-6
Closed Saturday-Monday
917-920-5744 text or call